COMPUTERISED DRY FEED SYSTEM Computer-assisted systems for the distribution and dosing of dry feed have been widely offered by SAE Impianti from 1988, both for single animal (sow in delivery room) and homogeneous groups (pregnant or fattening sows) emphasising the "MULTI-PHASE" concept.

1. Preparation and distribution of pre-weighted feed through a specific gravity dispensing unit.
2. Preparation and distribution of pre-weighted feed with or without mixer on loading cells.
3. Distribution by means of single line and volumetric dispensers.
4. Natural stabling of sows in homogeneous groups.

All systems have been specially designed to offer the following advantages:
A. Concentrating the preparation of an unlimited number of feeds and its distribution to the desired points in one single system.
B. Remarkable time saving since feed preparation and distribution are completely automatised.
C. Programming the feeding process at the beginning of the production cycle without requiring any intervention from the operator (food curve).
D. Possibility of supplying medicines to single fodder-troughs.
E. Reduced weighing and mixing errors; more accurate control of rations; reduced emission and lower waste of nitrogen and phosphorus.
F. Accurate registration of the feed consumed per component and per supply point.
G. Consumption control per single dispenser and prompt check of possible diseases. .

Scheme 1  
diagramma alimentazione secco
Inductive sensore

Discharge into silos

Loaded hopper

Capacitive sensor

Blade micro switch

Scheme 2  
diagramma alimentazione secco prepesato
Inductive sensor

Load store


Capacitive sensor

Blade micro switch

Capacitive sensor

Scheme 3  
schema elettrico alimentazione secco
Elaboration's unit


Electrical swichboard

Load store


Electric engines

Pneumatic valve

Level's switch

Capacitive sensor

Inductive sensor

Security proportion devices

see the photo >>>